Video design and animation for the Opera on the cycle of four epic music dramas composed by Richard Wagner – performed by the Odense Symphony Orchestra.
Video- and animation design for the musical based on Kim Larsens words and music – premiered at the Tivoli Theatre in Copenhagen. Back in 2021 and in Sweden in 2024.
Video design, colorising & animation for the children theatre play based on the novel by Paulo Coelho – performed at Theatre VestVolden.
i Svanesøen
Set design and video design for a dance/theatre production inspired by Tchaikovsky’s The Swanlake – by the Open Dance and Odsherred Theatre
Video- and animation design for the opera by Howard Barker, music composed by Kim Helweg – staged by Holland House at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen
Video design for 3D video projections for the opera by Giacomo Puccini – at the Opera på Skäret, Kopparberg in Sweden
Die Sieben Todsünden
Video design an animations for the satirical ballet chanté by Kurt Weill andy Bertolt Brecht – staged by Holland House at the Royal Danish Theatre
Video design for the comical theatre show “Mågens” inspired by Anton Chekhov’s “The Seagull” – performed at the Nørrebro Theatre in Copenhagen.
Pim & Theo
Video design for the dramatic theatre play on the life and death of two controversial Dutch persons; Pim Fortuyn & Theo Van Gogh – by the NIE Theatre and the Odsherred Theatre.
Video design and animation for multiple screens for an Opera based on manifestos by constructivist and futurist artist- staged by Holland House – performed at Kanon Hallen in Copenhagen.
Come Together
Video design for the music-theatre show with interpretations on music by the Beatles – staged by Nikolaj Cederholm played at Gasværket in Copenhagen.