Design projects & workshops
Where visual, tactile, spatial, interactive and performative aspects meet and merge over time
Design projects & workshops
Where visual, tactile, spatial, interactive and performative aspects meet and merge over time
Good you found me
Freelance Designer & Artist (MFA) • Based in Copenhagen • Freelance since 1996 • Part time Associate Professor at The Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design & Conservation • I design and deliver animation & motion graphics for online use & video projections for opera-, dance- and theatre performances • I do concept and spatial design for light festivals, scenography and exhibitions, as well as concept design for games • Also, I did some research and published some articles
Good you found me
Freelance Designer & Artist (MFA) • Based in Copenhagen • Freelance since 1996 • Part time Associate Professor at The Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design & Conservation • I design and deliver animation & motion graphics for online use & video projections for opera-, dance- and theatre performances • I do concept and spatial design for light festivals, scenography and exhibitions, as well as concept design for games • Also, I did some research and published some articles
Recent projects
A-RE (Arti REspiratio)
An interactive luminous underwater creature at the Copenhagen Light Festival 2024

Breath here

Give breath to A-RE

A-RE receiving breath and changing colour
Arti Respiratio (A-RE), is an interactive luminous underwater creature, a kind of jellyfish. A-RE is not doing well in the cold Danish waters and needs the audience’s warm breath to get its colors and pulse back. The Gulf Stream has brought it here from its habitat, one of the world’s warm oceans.
A-RE is a tech-trash creature that has created itself by combining and assembling redundant and discarded electronics and technology that have been thrown into the oceans.
Idé and execution: Arthur Maria Steijn • Creative development: Frederik Lauenborg
Thank you for your support and help: Christianshavns Lokaludvalg, Copenhagen Light Festival, Poul Andersen, Simon Christensen, Theo Bjerg Steijn

A-RE alive underwater

Photo: CPH Light Festival

Photo: Maria Schelling Minard

Construction sketch

Lowering into the water
Mother of Mermaids
Underwater Animated Light Installation for OPLYST festival in Hundested, Denmark 2024

Mother tail in movement

Mermaid swimming away
Mother of Mermaids is an animated light installation located below the water surface in Hundested Harbour, with mythical maritime references to the time when sailors set sail on short and longer voyages. Adventurous journeys where the sight of the beautiful sea and beautiful skies were alternated with feelings of loneliness, lack of love and fantasies about what hidden beauty must be under the surface of the sea. The work is a tale of life and death, recreating the story of fantastic, beautiful, life-threatening and impossible love.
The installation expresses the fantastic in the form of light in motion that illuminates underwater as well as the fear of what actually hides beneath the surface of the water. The light is animated, and thus not constantly visible, so it is experienced as luminous and moving shapes that come into view in the evening in the dark water. See more here …
More on OPLYST can be found here …
In 2023 a smaller version was presented at the Kyndelmisse Køge Lysfest og Kulturnat 2023

Mother tail in movement

Mermaid swimming away

Test setup in my garden

Mother in wilder waters
Midt om Natten
Animation & video graphics for large LED screen filling the background space behind the set-pieces.
For the musical based on Kim Larsens words and music – shows in Sweden, 2024, after big succes and many shows in Denmark. See more here …

City Museum Exhibition Concept and Design
For Møntergården, the cultural history museum in Odense, Denmark
Concept art for a new exhibition for the cultural history museum in Odense, Denmark. Fantasy and mythology are explored through stories on past, present and future related to the power, technology and culture that is connected to the city of Odense.
In collaboration with Have Kommunication & PR and Jakob Ion Wille

Solur (Sundail)
In between sunlight and time
A unique sundial designed for just your place. Created for a geographical position, with exact longitude and latitude. These handmade and customized sundials are soon available for online sale in Denmark at and in Holland at

FLASH-FORWARD: Storyworld, Interaction and Speculative Design
Artistic research project at the Royal Danish Academy
A 3-week workshop in storyword building, interaction and speculative design that resulted in interactive prototypes at an exhibition in November 2020.
For the project FLASH-FORWARD Graphical Communication Design (MA) students created spatial images of possible future worlds. What will the future look like in the light of present problems such as climate change, democratic crisis, sustainability, data control etc?
You can see more here, on the Royal Danish Academy’s website.
Idea and execution: Arthur Maria Steijn & Jakob Ion Wille
Guest speakers: Kirsten Astrup, Michael Valeur, Jakob Thorbek, Natalie Koerner, Martin Sønderlev Christensen, Mikael Fock, Oscar Stockholm
Methods and results of FLASH-FORWARD: Storyworld, Interaction and Speculative Design
are presented by Jakob Ion Wille & Arthur Steijn at:
Conference on the Fantastic in Media Entertainment, May 27-29, 2021 (Extended date)